Slightly More Kilter


Two weeks into my move from LA to Northern AZ and I have been offered employment back into the social service realm.  A significant leveling of my scales has occurred.  After a year and a half out of the field, I’m eager to contribute and feel impactual. Since my intentions are to keep this blog, as the rest of my online existence, separate from work for ethical and therapeutic reasoning, that’s about all I’ll discuss as far as the professional details.

Personally, I’m excited for the opportunity, challenges and social interactions.  I appreciate being part of a team working together to to achieve a goal. Financially, a heavy burden has been lifted. I have looming issues still weighing, but this is obviously the first step in a plan to deal.  This job market is bleak and I feel very fortunate to have found a decent option as soon as I did.  Socially, It’s good for my soul to build relationships. I love my family and I am so impressed with the character they display, but there will be obvious benefits of expanding my social network

The work I’ll be doing will be demanding and self awareness will be required to maintain an emotional balance.  I do feel like now that a job is secure I’ll be able to focus on some other areas that I feel are out of equilibrium.  I’ve been eating well, but haven’t been active enough. I found  great pool but haven’t been able to coordinate my schedule yet.  My Plantar Fasciitis is improving and I hope to be up and running, literally by the spring. The other area of symmetrical deficit I’m suffering from is lack of social calender. I need to research organizations, community functions and happenings  where I can find entertainment and like-minded peoples.   This is an example of the extreme spectrum for me, since my time in LA was filled with an abundance of good times and fantastic people. Sluggo’s sentinments say it best, “I’m trying to find a balance, I’m trying to build a balance.”

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